Connect Financial Weekly Update
We hope everyone’s had a good week so far and are ready for another weekly update on all things Connect Financial.
On Thursday of last week we held the community AMA which saw a lot great questions get thrown at the team, we were answering for about three hours and will post the transcript of it here in the next few days.
We’re excited this week to be releasing the updated roadmap that takes us through the remainder of Q2 and through Q3. There are a few additional key items which may make it into Q3 near the end, but we elected as a team to leave them off of the roadmap. We have a lot of work to complete already and want to remain focused on delivering these core items.
As the roadmap shows we are closing in on the Governance and Treasury Contracts being completed and deployed. We are wrapping up the final round of testing on the Governance contract itself and are planning a deployment next week with the Treasury contract being deployed before June and the start of Q3. This will allow us to start the pCNFI tokens to be earned by stakers and Governance participants.
We are preparing full write ups on the DAO, Governance and Treasury to release with the contracts going live.
Our card product and full client portal are on track for delivery in Q3 with the factory giving us a firm time frame for our production runs of the cards.
To wrap up this weeks update we want to announce a community contest!
Connect Financial Gold / Silver Bullion Contest
To kick off our Affiliate and Referral Programs, we’re getting limited edition CNFI Branded 14k Gold and Silver Coins that YOU can win by referring your friends and family to the Connect Financial Crypto Visa Credit Card.
These are authentic & numbered physical tokens that are pure Gold and/or Silver to be awarded to the top 25 Affiliates/Referrals.
Event Prizes:
1st Place Affiliate Limited & Numbered 1/8 Ounce CNFI Branded Gold Coin and 1 Ounce Silver Coin plus Connect Swag Bag.
Affiliates 2–10 Limited & Numbered 1/8 Ounce CNFI Branded Gold Coin and 1 Ounce Silver Coin
Affiliates 11–25 Limited 1 Ounce Silver CNFI Branded Numbered Coin
Eligibility: Participant must be staking CNFI at the Silver Tier at a minimum. Participant must be signed up to the CNFI Client Portal and verified through KYC once portal is opened.
Terms and Conditions: -Referrals only count once the referred user performs KYC and verifies their stake. Participant must use the Referral/Affiliate Code provided to them by Connect Financial. Only referrals officially recognized by the portal will be counted. Referrals qualify if signed up on or after June 1st based on their account creation time.
Contest ends 30 days after the full launch of the Connect Financial Client Portal. Participant must submit a screenshot of their Client portal page showing their referral link and total number of referrals displayed within 7 days upon contest closing. -Participant must verify staking address in the CNFI Client portal to verify staking eligibility.
Full details will be available tomorrow
So get out there and show us your creativity — it’s time to get your friends, family and followers on the waiting list for the world’s first true Crypto Visa Credit Card!
Join our growing community!
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