Connect Financial Weekly Update

Connect Financial
4 min readApr 27, 2021


Welcome back to another weekly update everyone. This past week the development team has been grinding out the last remaining items on this initial release of the Client Portal. Admittedly, it took us a few more days than anticipated as we allowed in a few extra tidbits that was easier to implement in before releasing. And overall preparing the portal for this phase was a bit more work removing access to sections that are not live yet.

We do want to give you a sneak peak at what we’ve been working on and show you what the main dashboard will offer everyone when we roll it out live. Please note, in this initial phase the dashboard is not live, this will go live with the official release when we start to release cards. Also, somethings will change before release, and this is not a fully completed product. Some buttons or links are not present or are hidden in these screenshots.

The overall design goal for the dashboard was to allow for a set of modular widgets that the user can select, move around, resize and lock in that presents an easy to read display of pertinent information. These initial widgets we feel represent the core data that most users will care about. With this design model, we will be able to continually iterate new widgets that contain different data or can present data from new products and systems. All the while allowing the user to select which ones they prefer to see.

Updated Photos as of 05/18/21

Any typos have been corrected in production build.
Any typos have been corrected in production build.

Photos from 04/27/21

The widgets are interactive and allow for quite a actions such as:

Widget independent date range selector, allowing you to select a different date range for each widget.
View all account balances across multiple asset types, and filter down to a specific named account if you wish:
Getting granular with an individual account
Quickly viewing transactions for a particular asset.

If you allow multiple cards on your account for either your family or your business account, there are widgets to give you a quick overview of all your cards performance. Easily tell which cards are approaching their limits, which ones maybe spending abnormally, or may need more collateral applied to their account.

Overview of all issued cards and the top cards being used
Tracking card expenditures based off merchant classification
Easy visualization for any call to actions necessary

We’ve put quite a bit of effort into displaying exactly what Connect Financial wants to achieve for our users. We are positioning ourselves to step forward as a form of crypto neo bank. Where we are not merely a place to buy, sell and swap crypto, or store crypto to earn interest or get a credit card, but as a viable option for the demarketed, unbanked, or those tired of traditional bordered banking that need to manage their crypto resources and financials.

We are looking forward to the impending announcement of the initial client portal release. We promise it is nearly ready and we are preparing the production environment with the release client as I type this.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and we urge you to come join us in our communities if you are not part of them yet. You can find us here:

Discord :


Telegram Announcements:



Official Website:


Client Portal:

We will see you all next week!



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