Connect Financial Weekly Update

Connect Financial
2 min readJun 29, 2021


Welcome everyone to another weekly update from your core team at Connect Financial.

Over the past week the main development team has been busy going through the onboarding process from end to end and finishing up the card control dashboard in the client portal.

On the backend we are working through refinement of our message delivery routing, which includes things like price delivery for buy/sell/swap and the messaging queue for actions waiting completion, such as awaiting confirmations on deposits or an out going transaction.

We continue to train the customer service leads, who are also working through the FAQ’s and completing the ticketing procedures.

The Smart Contract team has finalized the remaining steps for our Governance/DAO Upgrade. So while the contract itself has been deployed, our other contracts all required various updates to pass control over to the DAO. We will be completing these remaining steps this week. At the same time we have finished the draft contracts for the Treasury and Connect Lending Protocols.

This upcoming week our main focus is on completing this round of Alpha Testing on the site and putting the final touches on our new landing site.

We will be releasing information and invites for small scale community testing in the near future.

As always we appreciate our communities and are excited to see the new faces. We continue to progress rapidly and are approaching our live date with enthusiasm and absolutely cannot wait to see Connect Financial cards in the wild. That is all for this week, some weeks are a lot of hours of work, but boil down to just a few paragraphs.



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