Connect Financial Weekly Update
Welcome to another episode of our weekly update. This week we wanted to give updates on more of the operational progress of Connect after a brief development update.
Before we get into it though, we also want to announce we will be doing a community AMA. We are working with the moderators to set a time and forum for it, and as soon as we have it finalized with them we will push out another announcement well in advance.
On the development side we are preparing an update to the current client portal release, which will address a few quality of life pieces and in the background update the database to our next version. The update will be live in the next 24 hours and we’ll push a separate community announcement for it.
On the operational side we continue to staff up our non development teams.
We have started to develop our customer support staff and given our International exposure, this team had to be able to adapt to this. We’ve been lucky to land an experienced support staff that has been fully vetted, multi-lingual and are building out procedures and policies for them now. This team will handle all non-card related support issues, things like 2fa resets, account recoveries, initial level questions relating to deposit or withdraw concerns etc. On the card side, our issuing partner bank and processor handle the support staff, dealing with anything card transaction related. Items such as disputing a transaction, declined transaction questions, pre-authorizing large transactions, fraud department.
We have begun integrating Intercom into the client portal as our support product of choice. It is a very well rounded addition to the site, allowing for automated support answers, live chat, and support ticketing.
The marketing team that was brought on previously has been hard at work on the landing page rebuild. They have completed all of the initial wire frames, content writing, brand identity pieces and are working now on new graphics. The site is moving from the current one page landing site to a multi-page product page with a near white paper level of detail on the systems and products we offer.
Our PR team has been busy getting up to speed on our project vision and goals. This has consisted of multiple meetings with the core team and leadership to develop proper wording, graphics and a level of knowledge on the product before they begin their campaigns. They are setting up all of the necessary project pages on various other mediums that had not been created as of yet (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc) to give us the proper exposure when our marketing truly begins. Their other duties with actual PR will be starting very soon also now that they have become acquainted with Connect.
To wrap up this update, we do want to address the time frame for issuance of the cards. This has been one of those items that causes the leadership to lose much sleep over. Initially we were given very tight timeframes for when we would have the Connect cards ready for delivery, but unfortunately those time frames have been expanded out due to elements out of our control. From the time given to get our Card designs approved, to the factory contracts getting finalized to the actual printing press time, everything has taken longer. This is mostly attributed to the ongoing shortage in the labor force and general backlog of work that the pandemic has created. We work very closely with our partners and as hard as it is on us, it is equally as difficult for them. At this moment we are waiting on our factory to give us a production date for our first card run. They are not able to give us an exact date yet but based off feedback of their backlog I estimate we will be delivering around the start of Q3.
We’ve explored the possibility of moving our order to another facility but we are unfortunately not able to do that due to contracts at the issuer level that we have to abide by.
While this may not be the news we want to deliver, it is important for us to update the community so proper expectations can be set. On the other hand, it gives us time to continue refining and completing the client portal and further testing on our back end so we are able to deliver a solid user experience when we go live.
As a whole, we are pleased with how things are progressing and remain very optimistic for the future of Connect Financial. We are absolutely committed to delivering on our vision and finding our place in your wallet.
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