Connect Financial Weekly Update

Connect Financial
3 min readApr 20, 2021


Welcome to this mid April edition of the weekly update. As always, we hope you are all remaining safe and sane in these times.

As the team finalizes the initial release of the Client Portal for this week, we wanted to take this update to release information on one of the anticipated programs.

We are excited to introduce the Connect Financial Referral and Affiliate Program. Please keep in mind that all figures given are subject to change as we work to expand and refine the program as we grow, but these will be the minimum rewards earned. All rewards are paid in CNFI tokens on the 15th of the month for the previous months accumulated rewards based on the previous 72 hr rolling CNFI price average.

The Referral program is designed to incentivize every day users who just find themselves sharing it with a few friends and family. Every user who signs up will be able to find their referral link under their profile page.

Those users who wish to partake in the more advanced Affiliate system can apply to upgrade on their profile page. To initially qualify for the Affiliate program you must verify your social media profile, website, or link to how you generate your referrals. The affiliate bonus will also require that you have a minimum of 30 qualified referrals before it will start accruing Affiliate rewards, your affiliate bonus will also increase based on the number of referrals you have, their tier status, and combined usage.

The base Referral program will reward both the parties $25 after the first $2500 in card usage for any Basic or Silver, $35 for a Gold card after $3000 and $50 after the first $5000 in card usage for any Platinum or Black card referral.

The Affiliate program pays the same reward as the Referral program but also adds in several residual rewards. Affiliates can earn from .5 bps (.005%) up to 1 bps (.01%) on all cryptocurrency buys and sells and an additional $1 to $2.50 on every $10,000 their referrals cumulatively spend on their card.

Complete program details will be found in the Referral section of your user profile.

On the update side of the Weekly Update, the development team is still mainly focused on the Client Portal. The smart contract team has been working towards the completion of the DAO and Treasury contracts, plus the Governance Portal.

The contracts themselves are completed and ready for deployment we are just tying up the website portion for release to the Token Portal. With the release of the DAO and Treasury we will see the distribution of pCNFI tokens start and the launch of the first phase of the Connect Defi Protocols which partially fuels the Treasury revenue.

We are also pleased to announce, after a slightly tedious process, Connect Financial has received Visa approval on all five tiers of our card designs and our cards are now entering the work queue at the factory for print. While maybe not seemingly overly exciting, this process consisted of many months of submissions, commenting, changes, and resubmission to achieve and we are very happy to have it completed and checked off on our internal roadmap. For our partnered Axion card design, we are still in the comment/update phase but hope to have it also approved before long.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and we urge you to come join us in our communities if you are not part of them yet. You can find us here:

Discord :


Telegram Announcements:



Official Website:


Client Portal:

We will see you all next week!



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