Connect Financial Weekly Update

Connect Financial
2 min readJul 21, 2021


Welcome to another installment of the Connect Financial update!

This past week the development team continued polishing and completing the front end. The team spent quite a bit of time going through different scenarios on individual parts of the site, ensuring we have covered as many outcomes as possible. This consumes quite a bit of time as we identify “not intended” behaviors that users may do, like quitting the card application process midway through completing KYC and returning later.

As part of the polish being done we have also gotten the upgrades to the Affiliate section ready to deploy. This will allow users to see the number of clicks on their link, number of actual sign ups, the source of the clicks (Social Media, Email, SMS follows etc), the country of the clicks, and the tier of any referrals that have signed up.

The new Landing Page is in its final round of QA and is looking to be completed and live by end of the month.

We’ve continued working very closely with our issuing partner and processor, they’ve built out additions to their systems specifically to support a Crypto collateralized credit card. While those technical projects are nearing completion we’ve sent the production contract with our factory off to our legal team to review. We now have a tentative print date set with the factory for our first run, which will move to a confirmed date as soon as the contract gets blessed.

The contract team has been heads down finalizing the treasury contracts. Currently they are integrating our initial vault strategies and creating base documentation that the content writers will be able to translate into a much easier to read format.

All together we are tracking very well to have the first users on the site sometime in the first week of August, and are well on pace to be live in Q3. The speed at which all the teams are completing tasks right now is very inspiring. We are proud of the products and services we are creating for the Crypto space and cannot wait to showcase them for you all.

As always, we appreciate your patience, feedback and camaraderie. Until next week!



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