Connect Financial Weekly Update
Welcome to another weekly update for all things Connect Financial! I’ve retyped this opening a few times already, at times I feel it’s repetitive, others I want to start with an interesting anecdote or such. But sometimes I just need to go with what’s familiar and accept that most of you probably don’t read this for the intro, you just want the good stuff, and who are we to keep you waiting?
User Testing -
This has formally begun with the first very small initial handful getting access to a part of the newly finished onboarding flow. We are still finishing up the “how” for parts of the testing but we are ecstatic with this first stage being underway.
We will be setting up a few roles and channels in the Discord to support the testing. A place where we can ask for some focused testing, announce downtimes, patch notes as we cross off items etc. If you are normally only in the Telegram we’ll sort out an announcement channel to cross post these for you.
We will slowly roll out more invites to the community and to alleviate any confusion or possible spam/scammers we will announce when the next batch is going out. We will also not invite or ask you via DM in Discord or Telegram to join any website for testing. It will come in an email from an email address.
General Development Update -
The development team continues to knock down the final checklist from the current backlog. And with the majority of our backend systems going through rigorous stress testing currently we are making a massive amount of small tweaks that require a few hours of new testing to run through.
Our new (much awaited) landing site has had its team head down wrapping up the final changes we opted for prior to launching it.
The marketing team has been working on building up a portfolio of graphics and other media to support their planned campaigns. This will allow for a rotation of assets through the different outlets.
Overall, the team is in great spirits as we start to enter our last phase here prior to launch. It’s definitely been a marathon for us but we see have the finish line in a firm view. Not that we’ll be done at all, post launch is where the fun really begins with having to monitor live systems as well as curate the backlog of new features, products and quality of life changes.
As always, thank you for your support and patience.