Connect Financial Weekly Update
Good evening everybody and welcome to our weekly update for the Week of August the 16th.
To start off this update I just want to take a moment to express our gratitude for our Moderator team and other veteran community members who are in our channels every day answering questions and in general being light hearted and making us laugh. Most of us on the core team would like to have a lot more interaction with the community on a daily basis, but with our schedules and the work we are doing it makes it difficult.
This past week was a bit more demanding and exciting than usual for the team. The additional new core members that have joined over the last month (roughly) have gotten fairly situated in their new roles and are putting their skills to work.
It’s been interesting to see the refinement of some of our processes that we felt we were doing well before and the formation of other pieces we knew we weren’t doing yet. There are things that may seem standard or simple when you look at it from the outside but are very easy to lose sight of when you’re in the eye of the hurricane yourself.
In one example we can take a look at our (minimal) marketing and advertising. The new CMO has come in and flipped our view on it all. Before we definitely felt like we had several individual paths to go down with social media, paid advertising, brand identity etc that were all being formed independently. She has been able to elevate us back up to 30,000 feet and give us a view of the entire landscape looking down. How everything intertwines and is connected like a beautiful tapestry.
Now onto the more coherent side of this update:
New Landing Website -
We’ve gone through the site and while we are very excited for it to be launched, the CMO has come up with a few items she wants to add/change on the site before it goes live. This includes a few additions for other marketing items that need to be added to the site to tie in our past PR and future planned events. She is completing two additional pieces which we feel will be a welcome surprise to the community and she has presented us with her complete market roll out plan of the site update.
To us, this isn’t just the facelift on the website, it is our transition and proclamation into a full fledged competitor in the market.
Expect the site to be live the first week of September, along with the first set of community members signing into the new client portal.
Treasury/Governance update -
Unfortunately this one will be quick, our lead dev who was completing the roll out of these items came down with Covid early last week/week before and is just now returning to work slowly. This does delay these items in the short term but it is not an extended delay and we expect to have them fully deployed by end of month also.
The white paper and FAQ sections have seen significant work completed over the past week. We’ve already delivered the executive summary and solutions section for review and commenting. We have invited a few members of the community to assist in reading through these sections as they exit out of our internal rounds of commenting.
Our target is approximately Oct 1st for complete release of the white paper, though we will be releasing it in stages as they are completed and implemented into the website.
To close out this update it was mentioned that part of the core was in Panama this last week for a few meetings. These were mostly standard necessary face to face with our processor and issuer to finalize some items before going live. The other time was spent with some key counter parties for pieces of our future roadmap that is almost as exciting as the card itself.
Thank you everyone, and please remain safe and healthy.